散策・復讐の野 Field of Revenge
It's almost time...
エーデルガルト: 今節、私たちが持て得る全戦力でもって、王都フェルディアへ進軍する。
Edelgard: This month, we will take all of the military force we can muster and advance to the Kingdom capital of Fhirdiad.
I have no intention of retreating to Garreg Mach after we've come this far.
We will only return after we've conquered Fhirdiad and put an end to this war.
Be sure to steel your heart and ready yourself for the battle ahead.
Choice 1: もう完璧 I'm ready for anything.
エーデルガルト: 本当に?なら、皆の心を一つにする手助けをお願い。
Edelgard: Are you certain? If so, please help me raise the morale of our allies.
Choice 2: 任せて I'll do what I can. (Edelgard ⤴)
エーデルガルト: 申し訳ないけれど、皆のこともお願いね。師……。
Edelgard: I'm sorry to burden you, but please look after our allies as well.
Choice 3: 間に合うか…… I'm not sure I'll be ready in time...
エーデルガルト: ……間に合わせて。貴方なら問題ないと、私は信じているわ。
Edelgard: We have no choice. I have every faith that you are capable of this.
ヒューベルト: チッ……アランデル公め。あの者がいる限り、エーデルガルト様は……
Hubert: Tch. Lord Arundel. As long as he exists, Lady Edelgard will...
Byleth: あの男は、いったい…… Just who is that man?
ヒューベルト: 以前、伝えたと思いますが……ソロンやクロニエらの上に立つ者です。
Hubert: I believe I have explained before that he is the one who commanded the likes of Solon and Kronya.
Cornelia, whom we defeated Arianrhod, was also one of his.
An irksome sort. We must not fail to be rid of him.
He is a maggot, crawling in the filth of the world, feeding off the Empire like a parasite.
We must walk this path together.
フェルディナント: 王都フェルディアか……。帝国からすれば、北の果てにも感じられる。
Ferdinand: Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital... From the Empire's perspective, it seems like the northernmost edge of the world.
I have come a long way, following you and Edelgard.
To think, what if I had succeeded Duke Aegir as prime minister?
I would never have had all these experiences.
Choice 1: 成長した You've really grown up. (Ferdinand ⤴)
フェルディナント: 当時の私は、本当に青かったよ。少しでも成長できているといいがね。
Ferdinand: I hope that is true. I used to be so naive...
Choice 2: 流石は貴族 You'll always be a noble, through and through.
フェルディナント: 茶化さないでくれ、先生。これでも少しは変わったと思っているのだ。
Ferdinand: Please do not tease, Professor. I think all of this has changed me a little bit.
フェルディナント: 今は……陛下の敷く道を、皆で歩んでいこうではないか。
Ferdinand: For now, let us join together and walk the path that Her Majesty lays out.
We're nearing the end of this war...
リンハルト: 戦争って、終わりに近づけば近づくほど、犠牲が大きくなるんでしょ?
Linhardt: When you think of it, as one approaches the end of a war, the sacrifices only grow larger, don't they?
The winning side musters their forces and attempts to strike a decisive blow...
While those of the losing side make desperate attempts to turn the war in their favor. Neither side will give.
I only wish we'd consider those who lose their lives in that struggle.
Choice 1: 自分たちも危ない We're far from save ourselves. (Linhardt ⤴)
リンハルト: そうですよ。そうならないよう気をつけましょう、先生。
Linhardt: Yes, exactly my point. Let's be careful to ensure we don't lose our own lives, Professor.
Choice 2: 必要な犠牲だ It's a necessary sacrifice.
リンハルト: でも、割り切れないですよね。自分の生死がほとんど運で決まるなんて。
Linhardt: Perhaps, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept your own survival depends on a throw of the dice.
Choice 3: 長引くよりはいい It's better than dragging the war out.
リンハルト: まあそれはわかりますけど……「まだいい」だけであって、十全ではないですよねえ。
Linhardt: I can appreciate that, but just because a choice is better does not mean that it's good.
Off to the Kingdom capital we go!
カスパル: よっしゃああ! 行くぜえ、王都!待ってろよ、王都おお!
Caspar: All right! Off to the Kingdom's capital we go!
Huh. I feel like I've said that before.
Choice 1: 気のせいだ You're imagining things.
カスパル: そっか、気のせいか。うーん……何だか引っかかんなあ。
Caspar: My imagination, eh? You usually know what you're talking about. Still, this is gonna bug me...
Choice 2: 気のせいじゃない It's not your imagination.
カスパル: そうだよな!けど、いったいいつだったのかわからねえ!
Caspar: Yeah, you usually know what you're talking about. I just can't remember when I woulda said it!
Choice 3: 王都へ行こう Let's head for the Kingdom capital! (Caspar ⤴)
カスパル: おう! 王都へ行こう、先生!気合、入ってきたぜえええ!
Caspar: All right! I'm fired up and ready to go!
What should I do?!
ベルナデッタ: せ、先生!どうしましょう!
Bernadetta: Professor! What should I do!?
Everyone's acting like this is leading up to the final chapter in a book or something!
Is the battle ahead really going to be that climatic? Am I not taking it seriously enough?!
Choice 1: 足りている You're doing just fine. (Bernadetta ⤴)
ベルナデッタ: ほ、ほ、ほんとですか! よかった!覚悟、してますよ! 絶対、勝ーつ!
Bernadetta: You think so? All right, I believe you. I'm...ready for this. I am. Yeah! We're going to win!
Choice 2: 足りない You could be showing more resolve.
ベルナデッタ: やっぱりいいいい!でも、あたし死にたくないですもん!
Bernadetta: I know, I know, but I...don't wanna die!
Choice 3: 足りないのは落ち着き What you really need to do is relax.
ベルナデッタ: えっ!? あ……まあ、そうですね。あたしは落ち着きが足りないですよね……。
Bernadetta: Yeah, you're probably right. I should take a breath and try to calm down.
Is it true about Arianrhod?
ドロテア: いよいよ王都フェルディアへ……。これで戦争が終わるかもしれないんですね。
Dorothea: We're almost to the Kingdom capital of Fhirdiad. Just imagine...the war might almost be over.
But is it true that Arianrhod was annihilated?!
What in the world happened?! What is the Seiros Church, really?
Choice 1: 王都を落とせばわかる We'll find out if we conquer the Kingdom capital.
ドロテア: ……わかりました。今はただ、戦います。先生、信じてますから……。
Dorothea: Fair enough. Let's just focus on this battle right now.
Choice 2: 今は何も言えない It's impossible to say right now.
ドロテア: そうですよね。……先生。先生のこと、信じてますから。
Dorothea: Of course, Professor. I trust you, OK?
Choice 3: 今はただ自分を信じて For now, just trust in me. (Dorothea ⤴)
ドロテア: はい……先生の言葉があれば、私、前を向けますから。
Dorothea: I always have, and I always will.
I have worries...
ペトラ: わたし……不安、持ちます。何事か、成し遂げる、できていますか?
Petra: I have...worries. What have I been achieving?
When the war is ended, I will be returning to Brigid with many...much new potential.
But have I had enough growth to become the ruler?
Choice 1: 張れると思う Yes. You should be proud.
ペトラ: 感謝します。先生、言葉、ありがたく、思います。
Petra: I have gratitude. I will take your words into my heart.
Choice 2: 自分にしかわからない Only you can answer that. (Petra ⤴)
ペトラ: ……はい。それ、確か、思います。わたし、胸、張る、力の限り、戦います!
Petra: This is the truth. I will fight with all of my strength so that I will know with certainty!
ペトラ: ブリギットの誇り、技、生き様……すべて、見せる、見せ付ける、です!
Petra: Brigid pride, technique, and culture... I will be showing all of the world who we are!
We still have to face the boar.
フェリクス: “ファーガスの盾”と讃えられた父は死に、アリアンロッドも崩壊した。
Felix: They used to call my father the "Shield of Faerghus." Now he's gone, and Arianrhod has fallen.
Yet the Knights of Seiros remain. As does the boar.
What terrifies me most is his stubbornness.
He'll keep on fighting to the last man.
He's a monster. I've seen it firsthand.
Let's make it back alive...
シルヴァン: 俺たちに俺たちなりの正義があるように、王国にも王国なりの正義があるわけで、
Sylvain: I've been thinking about how we've got our own ideas about justice...and so does the Kingdom.
And what's coming, it's not just a battle between us and them.
It's our ideals that are fighting. Whoever wins will say they were right and the other side was wrong. That's how it goes...
But nobody's willing to talk or compromise, so we'll fight to the death to prove the other guy's wrong.
It won't be an easy battle, but let's make sure we come back alive. Right, Professor?
It'll be a hard battle.
アッシュ: ブレーダッド家の直属軍は、本当に精強で、士気も高いんだそうです。
Ashe: I hear that House Blaiddyd commands some strong and well-trained troops.
People say they're fiercely devoted and will gladly die for their king.
Reminds me of Lonato's men-the ones we faced back in Magdred.
Unlike those civilian soldiers though, here we're up against the best that the Faerghus army has to offer.
It's going to be a hard battle, but if there's a peaceful tomorrow waiting on the other side, it'll be worth it.
I am prepared to fight.
メルセデス: 5年前、私が士官学校に入学した時は、まさかこうなるとは思ってなかったわ~。
Mercedes: When I first enrolled in the Officers Academy, I never thought it would come to this.
I can't believe we're waging war...against the church, no less.
Choice 1: 後悔している? Do you regret it?
メルセデス: ……そうねえ。後悔することもあるけど~。間違ってはいないって思ってるわ~。
Mercedes: There are some things that I regret, but I don't think I made the wrong decision.
Choice 2: 覚悟はできている? Are you ready to face this? (Mercedes ⤴)
メルセデス: ふふ……ええ、もちろんよ~。
Mercedes: Yes, of course.
メルセデス: たとえレア様が相手だろうと私は、きっと戦えると思うわ~。
Mercedes: Even if our enemy is Lady Rhea herself, I am prepared to fight.
I stand by my decision.
アネット: 父さんは、きっとフェルディアで待ってる。できることなら、戦いたくないけれど……
Annette: I'm sure my father will be waiting in Fhirdiad. If I can avoid it, I'd rather not fight him...
But I don't think my father is capable of betraying the royal family...of betraying Dimitri.
I must be prepared to do...what I have to.
Choice 1: 頼りにしている I'm counting on you. (Annette ⤴)
アネット: ……はい!
Annette: Right!
Choice 2: 無理はしないで Don't push yourself too hard.
アネット: 大丈夫です。あたしは、先生を信じようって思った自分を、信じてますから。
Annette: I'm alright. I still stand by my decision to trust in you.
アネット: 先生。……絶対、勝ちましょうね!
Annette: Professor... Let's make sure we win!
We must defeat the Tempest King!
イングリット: クロードが“卓上の鬼神”の異名を取り、機略縦横を誇ったならば……
Ingrid: Claude was known as the Master Tactician. There wasn't a situation he couldn't strategize his way out of.
Whereas, King Dimitri is known as the Tempest King. He is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
We still haven't ever faced him head-on. Can we do this?
Choice 1: 勝てる We can.
イングリット: ……そうですね。すみません、つまらない弱音を吐いて。
Ingrid: Yes. Of course we can! I'm sorry. I let my uncertainty get the better of me.
Choice 2: 勝たせる I'll see this through. (Ingrid ⤴)
イングリット: 先生……。……そうですよね。きっと。
Ingrid: Ah, Professor. Ever the reliable one.
イングリット: 先生がいて、エーデルガルトがいる。多くの頼れる仲間がいる。
Ingrid: We have you, and we have Edelgard. Not to mention many other allies we can rely upon.
Together...we can overcome even the most formidable foe!
What is a noble's duty, truly?
ローレンツ: レア様を討つ、か……。いや、僕自身に感慨は特にないがね。
Lorenz: Personally I take no issue with attacking Lady Rhea.
But the eagerness of my fellow nobles does vex me, despite so many grand displays of piety from them in the past.
It gives me the impression that faith is little more than a tool they use to maintain their positions of power.
Choice 1: 貴族に失望した? Disappointed in the nobility? (Lorenz ⤴)
ローレンツ: 僕自身、そうだったのだ。今更、失望も何もないが……何故か、腹立たしいのだよ。
Lorenz: I suppose I am in no position to judge them, being among their number myself. Still, it irritates me.
Choice 2: もう信仰は不要? Is religion obsolete, then?
ローレンツ: 道具としての価値が失われたならば、貴族はもう信仰に見向きもしないだろう。
Lorenz: If it is no longer useful as a tool, then I expect the nobles will cease to give it any credence.
ローレンツ: 貴族の責務は……存在意義は何だったのか、この戦いで、答えは出るだろうか。
Lorenz: What is a noble's duty, truly? I hope we will discover an answer in the conflict ahead.
Next up's the Kingdom capital!
ラファエル: うおおお! 次は王都だああ!待ってろ、王都!
Raphael: Hyah! Next up's the Kingdom capital! We're coming for you!
Whoa. That sounds familiar. Have I said that before?
Choice 1: 気のせいだ You're imagining things.
ラファエル: そうか? そうだよなあ。王都、初めて攻めるんだもんなあ。
Raphael: Really? You're probably right. It's not like we've invaded the Kingdom capital before.
Choice 2: 気のせいじゃない It's not your imagination.
ラファエル: なんだ、気のせいじゃねえのか。じゃあ王都攻めるのはこれが2度目かあ?
Raphael: Really? Does that mean we've invaded the Kingdom capital before?
Choice 3: 王都へ行こう Let's head for the Kingdom capital!
ラファエル: おうよ! 王都へ行くぞ、先生!出撃に備えて筋肉いじめとくかあ!
Raphael: Yeah! Let's do it, Professor! I just gotta get my muscles prepped and ready first!
Strong as they are, we can't lose!
イグナーツ: 王都が落ちれば、フォドラの大地は帝国の名のもとに統一されます。
Ignatz: Once the Kingdom capital falls, all of Fódlan will be united under the banner of the Empire.
Isn't it thrilling? We're going to make history.
Choice 1: 勝てば、だが Only if we win.
イグナーツ: それはそうですけど……
Ignatz: Well, yes, I suppose that's true.
Choice 2: 負ける可能性もある Unless we lose.
イグナーツ: それはないと思います!
Ignatz: Hah! I don't think that will happen.
Choice 3: 落ち着いて戦おう Let's stay calm and focus on the battle. (Ignatz ⤴)
イグナーツ: はい! 頑張ります!
Ignatz: Yes, of course! I'll do my best.
イグナーツ: 確かに相手は強敵ですが、先生がいれば絶対に負けたりしませんよ!
Ignatz: Our opponents may be strong, but with you on our side, we can't lose!
I wonder if it will be so easy...
リシテア: この戦いに勝てば、王国も教団も消え、帝国による平和な時代が訪れる……。
Lysithea: If we win this battle, it will be an end to the Kingdom, and to the church. Under the Empire, an era of peace would begin...
Many people are cleaving to this notion, but I wonder if it would really end up as such.
Choice 1: そうなる It will.
リシテア: ……信じますよ? 先生。
Lysithea: Such resolve. It's convincing, to say the least.
Choice 2: そうはならない It won't.
リシテア: ……やっぱり、そうですか。
Lysithea: I worry as much myself.
Choice 3: わからない It's hard to say. (Lysithea ⤴)
リシテア: ……そうですよね。
Lysithea: It's true―it's nothing but hypotheticals at this point.
リシテア: アリアンロッドの崩壊……あれは本当に教団がやったことなんでしょうか。
Lysithea: I wonder... Was the collapse of Arianrhod really the church's doing?
Or could it be that... Hm. Never mind me. Just thinking aloud.
Please don't die...
Marianne: Dear Goddess...
マリアンヌ: 主よ……
Choice 1: またお祈り? Praying again?
マリアンヌ: はい……先生の無事を……。
Marianne: Yes. I was praying for your safety.
Choice 2: 何を祈っている? What are you praying for? (Marianne ⤴)
マリアンヌ: あの……先生の無事を……。
Marianne: Um...for your safety.
マリアンヌ: 私も死なないようにしますから……どうか先生も、死なないでくださいね……。
Marianne: I'll do all I can to survive, but please...please don't die out there, Professor.
Don't go dying on us now.
レオニー: いよいよ、この戦争も佳境に入ってきたな。ここまで来て死ぬなよ、先生?
Leonie: Looks like we're finally getting to the end of this thing. Don't go dying on us now, all right?
Choice 1: もちろん Not a chance. (Leonie ⤴)
レオニー: お、頼もしいねえ!
Leonie: Ha! I like your confidence.
Choice 2: そちらもだ Same to you.
レオニー: もちろん、わたしだって死ぬ気はないよ。
Leonie: Not planning on it.
レオニー: 王国に勝って、あんたが生き残ってりゃ、師匠との約束は果たせたようなもんだ。
Leonie: If you're still alive when this is all over, then I'll have kept my word to Captain Jeralt.
Let's both live to see the dawn of a bright new age!
I'm ready!
アロイス: むむ……レア様を討つ、と聞いたら、団長はどんな顔をしたのだろうな。
Alois: I wonder would the captain would say if he knew we were planning to take down Lady Rhea.
Lady Rhea and Captain Jeralt went back pretty far.
But hey, it's your decision! I'm sure he would have understood in the end.
Now, onward to Fhirdiad! I'm ready!
Can we really defeat Rhea?
シャミア: いよいよ現実味を帯びてきたか。レアさんを討つ……のが。
Shamir: The idea of defeating Rhea is beginning to feel more like a reality.
Some may say that I'm returning her goodwill with betrayal, but I believe I've worked off my debt.
The real problem is a certain someone else.
Choice 1: カトリーヌ? Catherine? (Shamir ⤴)
シャミア: そうだ、元相棒だしな。騎士団を出てから、会っていない……。
Shamir: That's right. She was my partner, after all. I haven't seen her since leaving the knights...
Choice 2: ツィリル? Cyril?
シャミア: 確かに弓を教えたこともあるが、生まれも違えば信条も違う奴だよ。
Shamir: I taught him some archery, but we are of different birth and hold different values.
I was speaking of Catherine.
Choice 3: ギルベルト? Gilbert?
シャミア: ……いや、特に思うところはないが。
Shamir: I have no particular interest in him.
I was speaking of Catherine.
シャミア: きっと、愛憎混じった激情のまま、ぶっ殺しにかかってくるだろうさ。
Shamir: I can see her coming to slaughter me. Driven by her mixed emotions of love and hate.
My place is by your side.
ハンネマン: 我輩が彼女に軍へと誘われた時、実のところ、荒唐無稽な夢に感じたよ。
Hanneman: When Edelgard first invited me to join this army, I, to be frank, thought her dream utterly ridiculous.
But at my advanced age, I was tempted by the notion of chasing a seemingly impossible dream through blood, sweat, and tears.
Five years on, the unification of Fódlan is slowly becoming a reality.
Now I feel... It may soon be possible to abolish the nobility, and create a world where none need suffer due to crests.
Byleth: ……………… ...
ハンネマン: 何も言わずとも良い。我輩は最後まで、君と彼女と共にあるよ。
Hanneman: You need not say anything. I will stay by your side, and hers, to the very end.
The way things are going...
マヌエラ: ちょーっとだけ空気を読まないで話してもいいかしら、センセ。
Manuela: Professor, do you mind if I complain about something, well, personal? Of course you don't.
This army is almost all single men. If that marital status came before or during the war, I'm not to say...
The point is, I'm in charge of the infirmary. I wind up treating hundreds of men every week.
I get to talk to all sorts of men, from all walks of life, all of the time. And yet...
Choice 1: ……恋人は? You don't have a boyfriend?
マヌエラ: できないのよ、それが! あたくし!出会いは生まれても、愛は生まれないわけ!
Manuela: No! Not one of those men is infatuated with their caregiver! Isn't that supposed to happen in wartime?!
Choice 2: ……結婚は? You aren't married yet? (Manuela ⤴)
マヌエラ: 恋人もできないのよ! あたくし!結婚なんて夢のまた夢のまた夢よ!
Manuela: Forget that, I can't even find a boyfriend! Marriage is just―pffftt! A joke! Just a sick joke.
Choice 3: ……諦めたら? Maybe you should give up on love.
マヌエラ: ……それが現実的な選択肢として浮かぶようになってきちゃったわけよ。
Manuela: Yeah... I'm starting to figure that's the most realistic option.
マヌエラ: こうなったら、もうあなたしかいないわ。どう? あたくし、何でもするわ、あなた。
マヌエラ: こうなったら、あなたも独り身でいて。それであたくしと二人、慰め合いましょ?
Manuela: At this point, I'm just hoping you can stay single too. Then at least we can share each other's misery!
The war nears its end...
イエリッツァ: この戦いもようやく終わる、か……。これが終われば、お前を斬れるか……?
Jeritza: The war is at its end. Has the time finally come that I might kill you?
Choice 1: 戦争が終わっても戦いは続く The battle will continue even beyond the war.
イエリッツァ: そうか……斬る価値もない地虫ども……、まだ残っていたな……
Jertiza: It is true... Those petulant fleas must be picked off one by one. There are nothing if not persistent.
Choice 2: 次も勝てるとは限らない There's no guarantee that we'll win next time.
イエリッツァ: 勝てなければ、そこで死ぬ……。それもまた、一興だ……。
Jeritza: And if we do not win, then we die. Either has its charms.
Is this finally the end?
アンナ: この戦争も、いよいよ終わりが見えてきたってところかしら…?
Anna: Seems like the war is gonna end soon.
Once the dust settles, it'll be back to rolling in fat stacks of gold for me!
フレーチェ: ………………。……はっ、何かご用でしょうか!
Fleche: Ah! Did you want something?!
Sorry, I was a bit lost in thought... Or rather, I was thinking about work.
My brother had sorted out all his personal affairs, but apparently he'd forgotten about his work duties.
So now I've got a ton more work on my plate... Oh, Brother, why must you be so careless...
Once this war is over, I'm gonna take a vacation and get some well-earned rest back home with my mother.
I'm praying for victory and your safety!
門番: お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report! The time has finally come to set out for the Kingdom Capital, Fhirdiad. I thought the same thing last month, but I still can't believe the plan was to ambush Arianrhod. I know it couldn't helped, but even I wasn't let in on the secret. Me! Not gonna lie...that hurt a little. Ah well, let's forget about that! I'm praying for your victory and your safe return!
Dimitri's right-hand man...
兵士: ディミトリ王の側には、恐ろしい形相のダスカー人が常に控えているって噂です。
Soldier: Rumor has it King Dimitri is always accompanied by a man from Duscur with a terrifying face. And what's more, this man is said to be so huge he's often mistaken for a bear!
Don't fight on an empty stomach.
市民: 次に出撃したら、しばらくはまともな食事は望めないでしょう?
Citizen: Once you set out on your next mission, you won't be able to have a proper meal for a while, right? You should eat up while you can. Build up your physical strength to prepare for the mission.
I'm no expert, but...
兵士: 敵軍が迎撃してくてば、タルティーン平原でぶつかる可能性が高いようです。
Soldier: If the enemy forces come to intercept us, chances are high that we'll clash on the Tailtean Plains. The Tailtean Plains were the site of a famous battle in ancient times, right? That's what some book-type at the library said, at any rate.
It's a bit intimidating.
兵士: 大司教自ら率いるセイロス騎士団と、国王自ら率いる王国軍……
Soldier: The Knights of Seiros are led by the archbishop herself, and the Kingdom army is led by none other than the king... I have faith that the Imperial army will prevail, but it still makes my knees feel a bit wobbly...
Come to think of it...
元修道士: そういえば……私が教団を離れる前、レア様は妙なことを口にしていました。
Former Monk: Before I left the church, I recall Lady Rhea saying something strange. Something about how she would recover her mother, no matter what... Do you think Lady Rhea's mother is buried in Garreg Mach or something?
That was a clever maneuver.
商人: 王都を攻めに行ったと思ってたのに、アリアンロッドを攻めたんだって?
Merchant: I thought you were going to attack the Kingdom capital, but you attacked Arianrhod instead? Well, you sure had me fooled! She's a tricksy one, that Lady Edelgard. But...this time you really are going for the capital, right? I wish you the best of luck.
Gotta survive. For her.
兵士: 僕には許嫁がいるのですが……彼女に約束したんです、生きて帰るって。
Soldier: I have a fiancée back home, and I promised her I'd come back alive. No matter how tough the fight gets, I won't die. I have to survive and make it back to her!
The Battle of Tailtean...
学者: 今を遡ること千年以上前、まだアドラステア帝国が建国まもない頃……
Scholar: Over a thousand years ago now, not long after the Adrestian Empire was founded...
The first emperor and his army, with the aid of Seiros, set out on a campaign to the north with the aim of unifying Fódlan.
Meanwhile, in the northern reaches of Fódlan, Nemesis, the King of Liberation, raised an army to take down the Empire...
Both armies clashed on the Tailtean Plains, where Seiros felled Nemesis.
As a result, the conflict ended in a victory for the Empire. It's known as the Battle of Tailtean.
We shouldn't treat things lightly.
ユーリス: ……アリアンロッドじゃ、ローベ家の連中もだいぶ死んじまったか。
Yuri: Seems like a lot of people from House Rowe died in Arianrhod...
I know Edelgard is saying it's the church's fault, and she hasn't been shy to express that. But...that doesn't seem right to me.
Choice 1: 確かに Yeah... (Yuri ⤴)
ユーリス: つまり、一瞬にして城塞をぶっ壊せるような危険な連中が、フォドラにいるってことだ。
Yuri: My take? There exist some dangerous folks capable of destroying strongholds with ease...
Choice 2: なら誰の仕業? If not the church, then who?
ユーリス: それについちゃ、俺よりもエーデルガルトやヒューベルトのほうが詳しいと思うぜ。
Yuri: You should ask Edelgard or Hubert. They'd know more than I do.
ユーリス: 王都を落とせば戦争が終わると信じてる奴らもいるが……そう甘かねえってな。
Yuri: Some think that all we have to do is take down Fhirdiad to end the war, but I don't think it's quite that simple.
Grab a front-row seat.
バルタザール: いよいよ王都フェルディアに殴り込みか……へっへっへ、腕が鳴るぜ。
Balthus: So it's finally time to take on Fhirdiad. Can't wait to get in there and show 'em what I'm made of. Hopefully I get a go at that Dimitri guy before all is said and done...
Choice 1: 何か因縁が? Why would you want that? (Relationship with Balthus goes up.)
バルタザール: 奴はとんでもねえ怪力だったろ?一度、力比べしてみたかったんだよ。
Balthus: They say he has inhuman strength, yeah? Best way to find out is to throw fists with the guy.
Choice 2: 楽しみって…… What an odd thing to hope for...
バルタザール: 戦争なのに不謹慎とでも言いてえのか?戦場にどう臨もうと、てめえの勝手だろ。
Balthus: It's war, pal. If you can't be blunt on the battlefield, what are we even fighting for?
バルタザール: “嵐の王”だか何だか知らねえが、こちとら“レスターの格闘王”だ!
見とけよ! おれのこの両の腕で、あの野郎を地にねじ伏せてやるぜ!
Balthus: He may be the Tempest King of Fhirdiad, but I'm the Grappling King of the world! My domain is way bigger. Grab a front-row seat if you can manage. These arms of mine will knock some sense back into that towhead of his.
The war is finally reaching its climax!
コンスタンツェ: アドラステア帝国によるフォドラ統一戦もいよいよ佳境といったところですわね!
Constance: The war of Fódlan unification is finally reaching its climax! I must surpass myself in the struggle to come if Her Majesty is to recognize my power.
Choice 1: 一緒に頑張ろう Let's go for it together.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方が一緒に戦ったら、私の手柄が減ってしまいますわ! ご配慮くださる!?
Constance: But don't you see? Your presence would diminish the grandeur of my achievements!
Choice 2: 頑張って Go for it. (Relationship with Constance goes up.)
コンスタンツェ: ええ、言われずとも頑張りますとも。ヌーヴェル家の再興がかかっているのです!
Constance: I intend to. The fate of House Nuvelle hangs in the balance!
コンスタンツェ: 苦学と苦戦を重ねて磨き上げた私の魔道、存分に振るわせていただきますわよ!
Constance: The culmination of all my studies, all my magical experiments, shall be unleashed in battle!
I don't care either way.
ハピ: 次はさ、王国だけじゃなく、教団との決戦でもあるじゃん?
Hapi: If we win this next battle, it won't just be a victory against the Kingdom, but also the church. Maybe they'll all die—even the people from the church who lied to me and locked me up.
Choice 1: 悲しい? Would that bother you? (Relationship with Hapi goes up.)
Choice 2: 嬉しい? Is that what you want?
ハピ: 嬉しくも悲しくもないし。ただ、そうなんだなって思うだけ。
Hapi: I don't care either way. If they died, I would say, "Well, that happened," and move on. I don't owe them my compassion. They've never shown me any.
There's always something to report.
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report.
The war is careening headfirst toward its grand finale. Do me a favor and get through this mess alive, OK?
After the dust settles, maybe I'll go on to guard other entrances in other parts of the world. I'm a dreamer, my friend. Always have been.
We don't hear a lot.
住人: 何だかすげえ戦いがあったんだって?すっかり上の情報から遠ざかっててな。
え? この前も上で戦いがあったって?そいつは気づかなかったぜ……。
Resident: I hear there was a pretty spectacular battle up there recently, but we don't hear a lot about that stuff.
There was a lot of talk when it first started, but five years on... It's just a fact of life.
What? There have been lots of battles on the surface recently? I hadn't heart! See what I mean?!
Word is...
住人: あなた、知ってる? ガルグ=マクの街にもまた人が増え始めたのよ。
Resident: Word is Garreg Mach's starting to look like a real town again. With the Empire winning one battle after another, it seems like the end to the war is finally in sight. There's hope for recovery now. Even for Abyss.
:ヒューベルト: |
:ヒューベルト: |
:兵士: |
:兵士: |